Monday, November 12, 2012

Thank You, District 92!

Thank you to everyone that turned out to the polls to vote last week. Thank you too for granting me the indescribable privilege to continue representing our incredible community in Augusta. I take the responsibility of serving the good folks of Andover, Rumford, Roxbury, Byron, Weld and the rest of House District 92 with the seriousness it deserves.

Citizenship is a relationship between individuals and their government and it demands responsibility on both sides. We are all in this together.  Citizens should exercise their rights – to vote, to participate fully in the political dialogue within their community, and to engage their elected and appointed leadership in a constructive manner. Maine citizens should expect legislators to act deliberately, based on processes that foster public dialogue; delineate the appropriate role for government; elicit the best ideas, and; invest taxpayer dollars in the highest quality and most cost effective solutions that meet our essential needs. Government at all levels must be responsive to citizens – to listen, to understand the concerns, to provide answers, and to be good stewards of taxpayer resources.

With that in mind, I pledge to you to focus my attention and efforts in the 126th Legislature on a legislative program that—fueled directly from ideas and suggestions from our neighbors—seeks to restore thoughtful, respectful deliberation. This program will be spread over a number of Joint Standing Committees (Legal Affairs / Education / Public Safety) and will revolve around three simple concepts: Participation; Transparency; Value. It’s about making government work for all of us.

Campaign season has ended and it’s time to turn the dialogue from the negative to something more productive and positive. I will be forever grateful for your support and the opportunity to keep pushing forward and fighting for our district and for the future of the great state of Maine. Thank you again.

With extreme gratitude,
