AUGUSTA - Rep. Matt Peterson, D-Rumford, recently presented Josh
Thornton, of Rumford, with a special legislative sentiment honoring his
first place finish at the 2010 Class B Wrestling State Championship in
the 140-pound weight division.
"Josh's path to a state championship was not without its challenges this season. He sustained losses along the way, but he learned from those lessons and applied all of that knowledge to go all the way when it counted," said Peterson. "And he's not done yet, Josh is only a junior this year and we just recently learned that he was invited to participate in the prestigious Maine-Nebraska wrestling exchange, so you can bet that this experience out west will help to prepare him to repeat the performance next year."
Thornton began his wrestling career in the first grade and was a New England Champion in the second grade. In the eighth grade, he went undefeated all the way to a state title. As a sophomore, he won the Western Class B Regional competition, placed fourth at the state championships and the Eastern National Tournament. He had a 34-4 record during the season he earned his state title, placing first at the prestigious Redskin Invitational Tournament, the Mid-State Championship and the Western Class B Regional Tournament.
Peterson noted that wrestling is a family affair in the Thornton household when he pointed out that Josh's younger brother, Jake, competes for the Mountain Valley Middle School wrestling team. Josh and Jake's father, Joe, was one of Peterson's middle school wrestling coaches. A patient teacher as well as a fierce competitor, Joe has passed his will-to-win along to his sons who have been making good on a family commitment to excellence.
"I wish Josh and Jake continued success, and congratulate a proud mother and father that will be cheering them along all the way," said Peterson.
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