LEAN Philosophy: To create the most value [from the customer's perspective] while using the fewest resources.
LEAN Concepts and Principles:
- Know your customer--who they are and what they want
- Value is defined by the customer
- Keep the process simple
- Do "it" right the first time
As part of the passage of LD 1078 "An Act to Strengthen Sustainable Long-term Supportive Services for Maine Citizens," the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has convened a work group of persons representing all significant parties, including consumers, interested in the issue of efficient and effective long-term care (LTC) in Maine. The purpose of the work group is to analyze the LTC service system and make recommendations that will assist DHHS in designing a system that promotes consumer choice, transparency, portability and flexibility.
By January 15, 2010, the work group must report to the Legislature's Health & Human Services Committee. The report must contain the work group's recommendations for improvements in the long-term care system in the State. These recommendations must address:
- Intake & eligibility determination
- Consumer Assessment
- Development of plans of care
- The definition of qualified providers
- The means to standardize rates and wages within the system
On October 6th, 2009, the work group met for the second time. Tasks completed included a mapping of the current system, and identification and prioritization of consumer requirements of a long-term care in-home and community support service system.
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