Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Pushing Forward Podcast Episode 1
In Episode 1 we examine Question 4 on the November 3rd, 2009 ballot. Question 4 is more commonly referred to as TABOR II. The question, a Citizen Initiative, asks: “Do you want to change the existing formulas that limit state and local government spending and require voter approval by referendum for spending over those limits and for increases in state taxes?”
In order to explore the issue, I speak with Nancy Kelleher, head of AARP in Maine.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Update From Augusta 10.18.09
Even after the Legislative session ends, the work continues -- and this year, activity has been particularly intense. Maine’s legislative calendar was initially structured to respect the time commitments of citizen legislators with the first session of a two year Legislative term to be the longer and more intense period -- with the introduction of regular bills, the passage of a two year budget, and the conduct of the state’s business. The second session was designed to be shorter -- to deal with any held over bills, manage emergencies, and make any adjustments in the budget as necessary.
Given the continuing turmoil in the national and state economy, our second session will be as demanding as the first one, as we confront a looming budget deficit. When we completed the budget last session, we intentionally left a $30 million dollar “hole” that would have to be addressed -- either by improvements in the economy that would increase revenue collections, other enhancements to the state’s revenues, or by making further cuts. Unfortunately, the revenue collections have continued to lag far behind projections, so in January we will face the difficult decisions about filling what is now estimated to be a $200 million budget shortfall that will have to be made up in a little over 1 fiscal year.
The Commissioner of Health and Human Services, meeting with our Legislative Committee this week, indicated she is looking for $80 million of new cuts -- something that is likely the leave big gaps in the safety net for Maine’s most vulnerable citizens. Another $60 to $70 million has been proposed to be cut from education funding which will mean less state aid to education. As a result, either educational services will have to be cut or local school support will have to be raised -- or both. Given the sharp increase in property taxes in Rumford and other communities in the district this year, another jump in the local share for education will be difficult for many families to manage.
I will continue to work on these issues with my colleagues to find creative solutions that will minimize the impacts of program cuts while looking out for taxpayer concerns. In this situation, there are not any good choices -- we will have to be picking between bad choices and trying to do the least amount of harm until we start to feel the effects of economic recovery. We all have to pull together to work through this difficult period in our state’s economic history, and I encourage you to contact me with ideas or approaches that might be able to help in determining the best possible course.
In addition to the ongoing budget discussions, I have been involved in significant follow-up to legislation I introduced in the last session and which was subsequently passed. LD 1078, a bill to make changes in our long term care system in order to better serve the needs of Maine seniors and people with a disability, has generated a great deal of work on a system redesign. I have been part of a twenty person group that began meeting at the end of the summer and has been meeting frequently in order to promote this systems change. Consumers, workers, advocates, state officials and providers have all come together to analyze the existing system. We are now nearing the end of this intensive process as we develop new approaches that we will recommend to DHHS Commissioner, Brenda Harvey. This process will be completed when the Commissioner reports back to the Legislature in January and we look at what actions we must take to institute recommended changes that improve cost-effective services for Mainers.
One of the other pieces of legislation I sponsored was LD 1089 which will bring Mixed Martial Arts events to Maine in a regulated manner. Over the summer, I have been working closely with the Governor’s Office identifying qualified people would be qualified to serve on that oversight authority. Those appointments should be made in the next few weeks. In addition, I have worked closely with the Attorney General’s Office on other aspects of implementing this legislation and will continue the effort to bring this sport to Maine, while insuring that it is operated to the highest standards.
Again, I want to express my appreciation to all the citizens of the River Valley for giving me this opportunity to serve. Since the session, I’ve spent the time traveling from home to work, heading into Augusta for meetings, and splitting my time between Rumford and our family camp on Roxbury Pond. I have enjoyed sharing with many of you during the various events in our area, and nothing is more important than the chance to talk with you, listen to your ideas and shape my opinions based on those conversations. Thank you for your input and please keep it coming. Contact me and I will do my best to respond as quickly as possible. I believe I can represent you best when the lines of communication are open.
State Revenue Falls Most Since 1963 on Incomes, Sales
By Jerry Hart and William Selway
Oct. 15 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. state tax collections tumbled the most in almost half a century in the second quarter as the economic recession curbed levies on incomes and sales.
The 16.6 percent plunge was the biggest since at least 1963, the Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government said today. For the 12 months to June 30, the fiscal year for most states, revenue declined 8.2 percent, or $63 billion, about twice what states got from the $787 billion U.S. economic stimulus package, the institute said.
State revenue has dwindled for two straight quarters and continued to decline in July and August, the Albany-based research organization said. Budgets for the year that began July 1 already face $26 billion of deficits, the Washington, D.C.- based Center on Budget and Policy Priorities said Aug. 12, forcing state lawmakers to confront additional spending cuts.
“We’re looking at a multiyear problem hitting essentially every state,” Robert Ward, the institute’s deputy director, told reporters. “It has happened during recessions before, but the depth of this decline is unprecedented in modern times.”
Collections dropped in 49 states in the second quarter as sales and personal-income taxes slid for the third consecutive period, the institute said. Income tax was down 27.5 percent and sales tax fell down 9.5 percent, its study said. Both categories fell by the most in 45 years.
“Many economists believe that the national recession has ended and that a tepid recovery is now underway,” Rockefeller analysts Lucy Dadayan and Donald J. Boyd wrote. “Unfortunately for states, an emerging economic recovery does not spell instant budget relief.”
‘Considerably More’
Figures for July and August for 36 early-reporting states showed tax collections down 8 percent, the Rockefeller Institute said. At least 17 states have announced budget shortfalls since July, with “considerably more” expected, Boyd said.
New York’s tax revenue from April 1 to Sept. 15 was $634.5 million below projections and $3.6 billion less than a year ago, Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli said yesterday. California reported last week that revenue trailed a forecast made less than three months earlier by $1.1 billion, or 5.3 percent.
States are anticipating more cuts to current-year budgets, already pared once to bring them into balance. Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour told managers on Oct. 13 to cut spending 5 percent because tax collections in the first three months of fiscal 2010 were 7.7 percent below estimates. Florida Governor Charlie Crist told department heads on Oct. 12 not to request more money for next year, when the state faces a $2.6 billion deficit.
“It’s clear that when governors propose their budgets in January, the vast preponderance will be looking for more spending cuts and tax increases,” Boyd said.
Housing Market
The main driver for the second-quarter decline was lower income-tax collections, Boyd said on a conference call, “most likely due to lower capital gains from market declines in 2008 and the bursting real estate bubble.”
Payroll-tax withholding fell 4 percent from a year earlier and estimated-tax payments made in the quarter fell 32 percent in the median state, he said.
“Real wages take 13 to 17 quarters to recover from the end of a recession,” he said. “It will take several years for states to bring spending into line with incomes.”
The study’s retail-sales index showed an 11 percent decline since the start of the recession in December 2007, he said. The second quarter’s 9.5 percent decline in sales taxes followed an 8.3 percent decline in the first quarter, he said.
Alaska’s tax income declined the most of any state, the study said, with an 86.5 percent drop because of lower oil prices. Vermont fared the best, with a 2.2 percent gain because of a one-time estate-tax settlement.
Local tax collections declined by 2.8 percent in the second quarter, the Rockefeller study said. That’s less severe than the state slowdown because municipalities rely more on property taxes, which rose “a surprising” 3.1 percent in the quarter, the report said.
Still, 88 percent of local finance officers said in a September poll by the National League of Cities that they’re less able to cover expenses than in the year before.
To contact the reporters on this story: Jerry Hart in Miami at jhart@bloomberg.net; William Selway in San Francisco at wselway@bloomberg.net.
Original Link: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601015&sid=aeZod9l8IVx8
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Local reps appointed to national legislative committees
AUGUSTA– Maine House Speaker Hannah Pingree recently appointed Reps. Matt Peterson, D-Rumford, and Sheryl Briggs, D-Mexico, to standing committees of the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL).
Peterson, who championed long-term care services throughout his first year as a state representative, was appointed to the Standing Committee on Health and the Standing Committee on Human Services and Welfare. He was additionally appointed to the state’s Long-term Care Oversight Committee.
“Our population is aging and as a result the need for long-term supportive services is increasing exponentially,” said Peterson. “This is a huge sector of spending in our Health and Human Services budget. We need to make it a top priority to constantly be finding ways to streamline the system to work better for consumers, the workers providing the services, and taxpayers.”
Briggs, who is a member of the State Legislature’s Inland, Fisheries and Wildlife Committee, was appointed to the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Energy.
“I am honored and excited to have the opportunity to collaborate with other legislators from other states on these issues,” said Briggs. “Maine has a lot to bring to the table in terms of sustainable energy ideas, and I look forward to hearing what other states have tried.”
As members of their respective committees, legislators will have the opportunity to attend meetings and conferences hosted by NCSL.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Testimony In Support of LD 596
Senator Hobbins, Representative Hinck and members of the Joint Standing Committee on Utilities and Energy, I am Matt Peterson, proud to represent District 92 which includes the Oxford County towns of Andover, Byron, Roxbury, Rumford, Weld and plantations of Rangeley and Sandy River plus the unorganized territories of West Central Franklin and Madrid Township. I am here to speak in support of LD 596, "An Act to Allow Electricity Customers Who Operate Generating Facilities To Be Paid in Cash for Excess Net Energy Produced."
I am certain that I do not have to point out to any members of this committee, or this entire body, our need to encourage the production of renewable energy as a means of diminishing our dependence upon foreign energy sources as well as preserving and improving our environmental quality. I am pleased to represent an area that has the potential to emerge as a major energy provider -- given our hydro resources and potential, as well as proposed wind farms, possible bio-mass facilities, and an existing gas fired power generation facility. All of these are commercial energy producers -- but we must look for incentives for smaller operators and energy producers -- including home-owners and small businesses, to become a part of the state’s energy solutions.
This bill is a common sense and simple approach that builds upon the Maine tradition and policy of net-metering that was first enabled by this body more than twenty years ago. A next important step in encouraging the growth of small scale energy production and the use of the existing electric grid for cost effective energy storage, is to convert the value of that energy produced into cash for small generators. This bill will accomplish that goal and I urge the committee to give this legislation your positive consideration. While I am sure that there are many here with greater expertise in this matter, I would be happy to answer any questions regarding this proposal.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
LEAN Process as part of LD 1078 Commences

LEAN Philosophy: To create the most value [from the customer's perspective] while using the fewest resources.
- Know your customer--who they are and what they want
- Value is defined by the customer
- Keep the process simple
- Do "it" right the first time
- Intake & eligibility determination
- Consumer Assessment
- Development of plans of care
- The definition of qualified providers
- The means to standardize rates and wages within the system
Remarks for Joint Council Retreat 9.29.09
Before I begin, I want to say that it is always good to share the rostrum with Commissioner Fortman from the Department of Labor. We may take it for granted, but Maine is very fortunate to have many of our disability programs and services delivered through the Department of Labor. In some states these programs are attached to the Department of Education. In some states, the programs are associated with the Health and Human Services Agency. In Maine, we make a strong statement by being one of only a handful of states that aligns disability services with the agency primarily responsible for employment and workplace issues. That speaks volumes about our philosophy regarding disability -- we emphasize productive employment and full integration in the community as the foundation for our disability policy.
That surely fits in with my personal philosophy. I was raised in Rumford, and never gave disability issues much of a thought until I was injured during my freshman year at the University of Maine. As a result, I’ve experienced aspects of the “disability system” from the inside. I was fortunate to get the chance to work at Alpha One, first on a part time basis on a particular project -- and finally getting the chance to move into a full time position as an Independent Living Specialist.
One of the opportunities that I got was to begin working on advocacy issues at the Legislature. The first time I went over to the State House as an advocate -- it was the second time I had been there. The first time was on my elementary school field trip. Fortunately, I was able to work with some people who knew their way around the state house and it wasn’t long before I felt I was making a contribution -- following the Legislative process, talking about policy with elected and appointed officials and advocating for people with a disability.
I can share the main lesson from that first year -- collaboration and coalition building is central to success. If you don’t take away anything else from my presentation today -- this is the key. Good advocacy -- and good public policy depends upon collaboration and coalition building.
We were successful in securing a wage increase for direct care workers -- the first in ten years -- by building a coalition that included the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), consumers who depend upon direct care workers to remain independent in their own homes, and direct care workers. I found out that the best advocates for the workers were the consumers they worked for; and among the best advocates for consumers were the direct care workers. SEIU has a motto -- Stronger Together -- and I think that fits.
Our efforts were successful and we made an important first step because we worked together -- and worked together effectively. Without that organization and collaboration we would not have succeeded.
Here’s what else I learned from that first year of advocacy work. To be successful you need:
- Clear goal or target
- Coherent strategy
- Consistent message
- Constant attention
With those “C’s” you stretch your chance to succeed in getting out your message, and getting the outcome you seek.
We had success in that session -- but we didn’t make as much progress as we had hoped for. As long as Commissioner Fortman doesn’t repeat this, I’ll tell you a secret. Getting legislation passed is the first step. You have to stay after the Executive Department -- the state agencies -- to implement the changes passed by the Legislature.
In short -- relationships make an enormous impact. Collaborative relationships with other individuals and organizations that share your goals are a starting point. Relationships with Legislators -- including those of the committee of jurisdiction (the Committee that hears your issue); legislative leaders in both parties, and be sure to include your own legislator!
Another year, I had a different experience -- this time working on the “defensive” and working to reverse a budget decision that had been proposed by the Administration and would have meant a significant loss of services for some consumers of home based care -- and could have resulted in unnecessary (and costly) institutionalization. I guess you can see what I mean by having a consistent and simple message. That was our message -- and the result was a restoration of that program to the budget.
By then, I had enough -- it was time to try to move to the other side of the table. I was fortunate to get lots of encouragement -- from the Representative who was term limited and forced to step down, from colleagues who had shared my advocacy work, from my employer who allowed me to work a more flexible schedule in order to run a campaign, and from wonderful friends, family and supporters who helped me mount and manage a successful campaign.
There were lots of times that the process seemed daunting. Sitting on the sidewalk, looking up a flight of stairs between me and the door I needed to knock on could have been intimidating. Fortunately, I knew what I had to do, so I always had good help with the door-to-door campaigning and I was able to visit every home in the district and ask for their vote. I was running against a former Representative who had served eight years before being term-limited. It was lots of hard work, but I was elected by a margin of more than 60% of the vote.
I was delighted by the victory -- and humbled by the responsibility. My fellow citizens in the Rumford area were putting their trust in me at a particularly difficult time. It made me even more determined to do a good job to represent my community and all the citizens of Maine.
I brought the lessons that I had learned as an advocate to my work as a Legislator. I wanted to stay focused -- develop a manageable portfolio of bills that would make a difference. I wanted to use every opportunity to build relationships -- and to listen and learn. I knew that I needed to stay well-connected to my community, as well as build new connections with colleagues in Augusta.
On these matters -- as with most of life -- I am a “work in progress.” It has been a wonderful learning experience to serve of the HHS Committee, but it has also been an enormous challenge to balance the many demands and programs against the diminishing resources. Talking to veteran legislators, I heard one thing over and over -- it is a lot more fun to be a legislator when there is money than when there is none.
The budget we passed in the last session is the first one in recent memory that is actually smaller than the one before it. Costs for services continue to rise -- and we have reduced the overall state budget. That means we made some difficult decisions, and I fear that many more lie ahead. Tomorrow the HHS Committee is meeting and we will be discussing the budget and budget prospects. Unfortunately, the direction we have been given from our leaders, and the instructions that the Governor has provided to his Departments is similar -- look for activities or whole programs that can be eliminated to generate budget savings.
The question in Augusta is -- “Where do we cut?” For those of us working to provide essential services for people with needs, that is a very harsh question because it really becomes -- “Who do we cut?”
While the cuts will be painful and the process will be difficult, it will also present opportunities. For example, I was able to introduce legislation in the last session -- LD 1078 -- a bill to promote changes in our long term care system to make it more responsive to the needs of people with a disability and seniors while using taxpayer dollars more efficiently. The issue is complex and there are lots of people with a stake in the outcome, some opposed and some in favor. Fortunately, I was able to work with both AARP and Alpha One in developing the bill and they were strong and constant advocates for its passage.
After a lot of hard work, we won the support and backing of the Department of Health and Human Services to begin this important work. As a result, the Health and Human Services Committee endorsed this bill unanimously and sent it on to the floor of the House and Senate where it passed unanimously before going to the Governor. This took a lot of work and patience -- because the Legislative process is “the art of compromise.” Based on the ambitious goals of this legislation, the work has just begun, with meetings that began over the summer, will continue in the fall, have a report back in January to the Legislature, and the beginnings of the new system put in place a year from July.
Another take away lesson here -- important things do not move quickly -- so practice patience every day.
If we are successful, this bill will encourage a rebalancing of Maine’s long term care system, placing a greater emphasis on cost-effective home and community based services, and less emphasis on more costly institutional alternatives. It should promote greater choice, more transparency and portability as well as easier access to appropriate services that promote independence for people with a disability and seniors. It is also making some people nervous -- particular those who have established their niche in the system and are doing very nicely, thank you, and would prefer not to change. But change is what we must expect -- particularly as we look to do more with less.
This is the essence of “bending the curve” which is at the heart of the LEAN process that is the tool we are using to promote this systems change. I look forward to the work and have high hopes for the outcomes.
As the work for the second year of the session gets underway, I’ll also be starting up my campaign again. Outreach, listening, and looking for opportunities to serve my constituents are at the top of my list. I don’t think I unique in any way when it comes to this. I believe that everyone in the Legislature is motivated by a desire to serve as best they can. They may have strong opinions and convictions, but I find almost all of my colleagues are primarily interested in getting good results for the citizens of Maine.
None of us can arrive at those good results without guidance from our fellow citizens. Phone calls, e-mails, notes, messages, every form of communication you can imagine is important to me -- and I take it seriously. Legislators want to hear from citizens -- and especially the voters in their district. Taking a minute to log a call or send an e-mail may be the thing that shapes a final outcome. This is where the constancy and patience comes into play. To be a good advocate, you have to communicate clearly -- and often. Get your message out, and build a coalition of voters to help you develop it. I can assure you that having AARP with its 200,000+ members in Maine, busloads of them in red shirts who showed up to the public hearing, got the discussion off to a great start.
Citizens have power and can make a difference. So, I encourage you to think about the important issues, develop your ideas and approaches, build coalitions with like-minded associates, and promote those ideas at the state house. Almost everyone in this room could run for office. If you are willing to put in the work of knocking on doors, meeting and listening -- you can get elected. If that sounds like too much work -- you can still play a very big part. Make yourself heard. Build coalitions that can deliver the message.
Attitude is a key -- it’s easy to complain about things, and much harder to come up with solutions. As an advocate -- be part of the coalition working on a solution. The people who have ideas and are willing to think about problems and issues in new ways are often the people who have the most influence in Augusta. Look for creative solutions -- get involved as a problem solver.
It will be another tough budget year in Augusta. We will be forced to make more hard choices. I’m not looking forward to it, but it may create opportunities for us to do things in new ways that will meet the needs using the resources we have.
In the final analysis -- all of us together are smarter than any one or two of us. The opportunity to work for change -- and for making things better -- always exists. I urge you to find your best way to get involved and be a part of that change. You can do it -- you can make a difference. If I didn’t believe that, I wouldn’t be doing any of this.
Thanks for your time and attention. If we have time, I’d be glad to answer questions.